Helpful Summary

  • Overview: This article introduces you to four chatbots can help universities improve their communication and increase efficiency.
  • Why Trust Us: We’ve helped 2,000+ businesses implement AI chatbots with an average resolution time improvement of 250%.
  • Why It Matters: Universities deal with a massive amount of communication, and chatbots can help streamline the process for both students and staff.
  • Action Points: Our top picks are Chatling, Engati, Botsify, and TARS.
  • Further Research: Checkout our guides to the best free chatbots, e-commerce chatbots, and small business chatbots.

University tasks, like dealing with transactions and processes, can be overwhelming. However, chatbots are changing the game, making things much simpler and easier for students and staff to deal with university stuff. 

From handling admissions, and enrollment to giving quick info on academics, chatbots like Chatling make university processes smoother.

In this Chatling guide, we’ll look at the best chatbots that make university life simpler. Let’s get started!

What Are Chatbots for Universities?

Chatbots for universities are tools that automate conversations with students, parents, and faculty members. They use natural language processing (NLP) and pre-set rules to simulate human conversation, providing quick and accurate responses to inquiries.

There are tons of use cases for chatbots in a university setting, including:

  • Answering FAQs
  • Providing information on admissions and enrollment
  • Assisting with financial aid and scholarships
  • Scheduling campus tours and events
  • Helping with course registration and academic advising
  • Providing updates on campus news and events
  • Answering IT support questions

Automating these tasks frees up valuable time and resources for university staff—but more on the benefits below.

Why Listen To Us?

At Chatling, we’ve helped thousands of businesses and organizations improve their customer service and efficiency with our chatbot technology. Our team has extensive knowledge and experience in developing chatbots for various industries—including education.

Benefits of Chatbots for Universities

Here are some of the benefits of using chatbots for universities:

  • Efficiency: Chatbots streamline routine administrative tasks, like handling admissions inquiries, enrollment processes, and providing general information. This automation frees up valuable time for university staff, allowing them to focus on more complex and personalized aspects of their roles.
  • 24/7 Accessibility: Chatbots offer round-the-clock support, providing instant responses to user queries at any time, ensuring that students and faculty can obtain information and assistance whenever they need it.
  • Enhanced Communication: Chatbots enhance communications by engaging with users in real-time and personalizing their outputs. They provide personalized assistance, guide students through various processes, and offer information on-demand.
  • Data-Driven Insights: By analyzing user interactions, chatbots generate valuable data that helps identify common user queries and areas that may require additional resources. 

Top 3 Chatbots for Universities

  1. Chatling
  2. Engati
  3. Botsify

1. Chatling

chatling chatbot

Chatling is an AI chatbot solution that helps universities automate their communication processes and improve engagement with students and faculty.

It’s easy to tailor Chatling to be either an internal or external chatbot—just link the data sources (websites, FAQs, documents, etc.) you’d like the chatbot to draw from and let it train itself in minutes. Then embed it on your website be copying and pasting the code snippet.

Key Features

  • Conversational AI: Enhance user engagement with a chatbot equipped with advanced conversational AI for a natural and interactive experience for students and staff.
  • Visual Builder: Build your chatbots effortlessly using the drag-and-drop builder. It offers a bunch of blocks that you can use to build simple and complex chatbots.

Chatling drag-and-drop visual builder

  • Multilingual Support: Ensure inclusivity by offering multilingual support and allowing the chatbot to communicate with a diverse range of students and faculty.
  • Train on Custom Data: Tailor the chatbot to unique needs by training it on a range of university data sources, like FAQs, sitemaps, syllabuses, and policies.

chatling data sources

  • Embed on Any Website: Seamlessly integrate the chatbot onto any website by copying and pasting the code snippet, making it easily accessible for users.
  • Customize Chatbot: Personalize the chatbot to align with the university's branding and communication style.

customize chatbot

  •  In-Depth Analytics: Gain insights into the chatbot's performance and user interactions with detailed analytics, allowing for continuous improvements.

chatbot analytics

  • 24/7 Availability: Provide round-the-clock support to students and staff with a chatbot that's available anytime, anywhere.

2. Engati

Engati is a chatbot platform that offers a variety of features to help you build and manage your educational chatbots.

engati chatbot

With Engati, you can create chatbots for various use cases such as student admissions, course support, FAQs, and more.

Key Features

  • Visual Flow Builder: Simplify chatbot customization with an intuitive visual flow builder to effortlessly design and modify conversational paths for a tailored user experience.
  • Omnichannel Support: Enable smooth interactions across various platforms and channels for a unified and integrated communication approach.
  • Integrations: Integrate with a range of tools like calendars, CRMs, and payment systems to enhance the functionality of your chatbot.


Contact sales for a quote.

3. Botsify

Botsify is an AI chatbot solution that offers a fully managed chatbot-building service—the Botsify team will build, train, and maintain your chatbot for you.

Botsify chatbot

The platform integrates with websites and apps (via the SDK), as well as Telegram, Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram. This means universities can reach students on the channels they use most, making it easier to engage with them and provide timely support.

Key Features

  • Fully Managed: Universities can outsource the building and maintenance of their chatbot to Botsify's team of experts.
  • Proactive Triggers: Set up proactive triggers and engage students, parents, and faculty at key moments.
  • Lead Capture: Collect important personal and contact information securely and automatically.


botsify pricing

Botsify has three plans:

  • Do it Yourself ($49/month): This plan allows you to build your own chatbot.
  • Done for You ($149/month): This plan means Botsify's team will build and manage your chatbot for you.
  • Custom (custom)


Universities can benefit immensely from integrating chatbots into their communications strategy. These tools offer a convenient and efficient way to engage with students, provide important information, and offer support.

If you’re looking for an intuitive but powerful chatbot solution for your university, Chatling is an excellent choice. We offer powerful features, a wide range of plans, and exceptional customer support to help you get the most out of your chatbot.

Get started for free today!